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Best Paper Award

Christopher N. Candlin Award for the Best Paper by Early Career Scholars (2023)

Call for Applications
(Deadline: March 31, 2023)

Click here for award winners


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This award is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Christopher N. Candlin, who, among his many other achievements, was a founding member of the Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association. Chris was passionate about the application of discourse studies to issues of professional communication and was constantly looking for ways of fostering collaboration between LSP/professional communication scholars and practitioners. He was tireless in his support of scholars in the field (especially young scholars) and mentored countless PhD students over the course of his career. This award, amounting to USD300, is made every two years to an early career scholar in recognition of an excellent article published in a refereed journal in the area of Languages for Specific Purposes and/or Professional Communication.

Guidelines for Applicants


  • At the point of application, the applicant must hold a valid LSPPC membership and must be a PhD student or have obtained a PhD degree within the last three years from the date of application.

  • The article must be published (either in print or online first) or accepted for publication in a refereed journal in the field of LSP/professional communication in the two years prior to the closing date for applications.

  • The applicant must be either the sole or leading author of the article (single-authored articles will usually be given priority).


Application procedure


Award presentation

  • The award will be presented at the Association’s biennial conference and the recipient will be invited to present the winning article at that time.


Evaluation criteria

  • Topic. Clearly engages with specialized discourse and practices and articulates relevant research questions;

  • Connection to existing scholarship. Firmly grounded in theory and scholarship that is clearly relevant to LSP and Professional Communication;

  • Methodology. Adopts an apt and rigorous research design and methodology;

  • Interpretation. Provides a convincing and critical interpretation of findings that is well-grounded in the evidence drawn from the data;

  • Contribution. Makes a significant and original contribution to knowledge, with theoretical and practical implications;

  • Impact on practice. Outcomes of the study have the potential to make an impact on professional practice and/or pedagogy in LSP and Professional Communication;

  • Presentation. Is well written and clearly articulated throughout;

Date of update: February 13, 2023

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