About Us
About Us
Asia-Pacific LSP and Professional Communication Association is an association of researchers and practitioners specializing in languages for specific purposes and professional communication. Its main objective is to promote research and practice of language teaching and training for professional communication. It also aims to help interested individuals and institutions develop individually or in partnership a range of curriculum models, provide access to resources, and encourage partnered research.
Upcoming event
October, 2024: LSPPC Webinar (register here)
Can OpenAI write as rhetorically as humans do? A discourse study of human- and ChatGPT-generated research article abstracts in Applied Linguistics
Speakers: Becky S. C. Kwan, Thomas H. T. Chan, Belinda W. S. Ko, Chris Y. H. Kwan
Date: Friday, 18 October 2024
Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm HKT (UTC/GMT + 8)
For more information about this event, please visit the event page.
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