LSPPC News Issue 5 is now available
We are pleased to announce that the fifth issue of LSPPC News, the Association's newsletter, is now available to members.
The newsletter includes articles by the following LSP & Professional Communication researchers:
Megan Siczek: Innovating oral academic communication pedagogy in higher education
Worasuda Wattanawong: The representation of pragmatic content in English Tourism coursebooks used in Thailand
Cindy Ngai Sing Bik and Rita Gill Singh: Identifying new sites of research through interdisciplinary research: Insights gained
In the newsletter, you will find information about the LSPPC7 conference (June 28-30, 2023), jointly organized with AELFE, the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes. The newsletter also brings together a list of conferences on LSP around the world, members’ news, and provides members with a discount on Routledge publications in ESP.
As usual, the latest issue of the newsletter is available to members of the association only. Back issues are public and accessible here.
We hope you enjoy the newsletter!
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